World Gaming Magazine

6 WGM #59 2018/06 编者寄语 From the editor 封面故事 On the cover WGM世界杯指南 WGM’s World Cup Guide 插画:邓倩雯 Illustration: Ailsa Tang 作 为一名铁杆足球迷,没有比世界杯更让我感到过瘾的了。四年一度 的这个月份,总是与狂热兴奋、熬夜观战和过山车般起伏的情绪划 上等号,尽管我对本届世界杯的亚洲阵营并未寄予厚望。 不过,就像奥运会常常吸引观众关注他们通常并不关注的体育项目一 样,世界杯也会让你的情绪随着通常从不拥戴的球队的表现而跌宕起伏。 毕竟,2014巴西世界杯决赛阿根廷遗憾地与大力神杯失之交臂后, 谁不为梅西扼腕叹息? 四年前,WGM成功预测德国将登上冠军宝座。今年的战局尽管看起 来比以往任何一届都扑朔迷离,但很难不看好南美劲旅巴西或阿根廷在7 月15日捧起大力神杯。 我们的44页世界杯指南将为您提供一切必备信息,来享受这一激动 人心的足球盛事。敬请阅读! 本思齐 主编 A s a fanatical football fan, there is nothing better than the World Cup. Coming around just once every four years, it is always a month of feverish excitement, lack of sleep and roller coaster emotions – even if my hopes aren’t particularly high for the Asian contingent in Russia 2018. Still, just as the Olympic Games tends to attract global audiences to sports they would never normally watch, so too does the World Cup let you ride the highs and lows with teams you would never usually support. After all, who didn’t feel for Lionel Messi as his Argentinian side fell agonizingly short of glory in the World Cup final in Brazil in 2014? Four years ago WGM correctly tipped Germany to go all the way and this year, although the World Cup looks more open than ever before, it’s hard to go past the South American powerhouses of Brazil or Argentina to lift the trophy on 15 July. In the meantime, our 44-page World Cup guide will give you all the information you need to soak up the action. Enjoy! Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief