World Gaming Magazine

6 WGM #61 2018/08 编者寄语 From the editor 封面故事 On the cover 路氹金光大道 The Cotai Strip 图片:WGM Photo: WGM 澳 门巴黎人埃菲尔铁塔上的瞭望台,肯定是我最喜欢的澳门景点之 一。饱览路氹金光大道北侧瑰丽景色时,大家会否深思澳门最近十 年来的巨大变迁及进步? 笔者回想自己于2008年首次踏足澳门时,曾徒步行走在空空如也的 路氹金光大道上。当时,澳门银河处于施工阶段,路氹金光大道上仅有刚 刚开幕的澳门威尼斯人。十年后的今天,澳门威尼斯人四周的空地,早已 变成拔地而起的顶级综合度假村,每年吸引着逾3,000万旅客来到这个弹 丸之地。 如此翻天覆地的巨变,背后究竟有着怎样的来龙去脉?本期 WGM将 以路氹金光大道为封面故事,深入理解其发展历程。让我们一起重温并回 味这一段历史吧! 本思齐 主编 O ne of my favorite places in all of Macau is the observation deck high up on the Parisian Macao’s replica Eiffel Tower, which offers a truly spectacular view of the Cotai Strip. Is there any better location to appreciate just how far Macau has come over the past decade or so? I first stepped foot in Macau in 2008 and clearly recall walking down what is now the Cotai Strip, past a half-built Galaxy Macau and toward the imposing behemoth that was the recently opened Venetian Macao. Fast forward 10 years and the once empty expanses surrounding the Venetian are now spectacular resorts of their own, attracting more than 30 million visitors to this tiny enclave each year. Just how did Cotai's incredible transformation come about? It’s a question that led WGM to retrace the story of the Cotai Strip for this month’s cover story. Enjoy! Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief