World Gaming Magazine
6 WGM #63 2018/10 编者寄语 From the editor 封面故事 On the cover 方兴未艾 Macau VIP on the rise 插画: 邓倩雯 Illustration: Ailsa Tang 澳 门作为全球博彩中心的地位乃人所共知;仔细观察下,我们发现澳 门还是一座不屈不挠的城市。这从澳门在两年内毅然面对两个超强 台风,以及其商界领袖和普罗大众展现出的处变不惊,便可见一斑。 在过去十九年间,澳门只曾经历过两个最高级别的十号台风。但祸不 单行福无双至,两个超强台风竟然在短短十三个月内先后来袭。去年八月 来袭的超强台风天鸽,在夺去了十条生命的同时,亦造成了近120 亿澳门 币的经济损失。 今年九月,超强台风山竹吹向澳门之时,整个澳门社会丝毫没有逃 避,而是同心协力地迎接挑战,并在威胁和磨练下成长。 超强台风山竹不仅导致澳门低洼地区严重水浸,更破天荒首次导致澳 门全数42家赌场关闭了29个小时。幸运的是,这次台风并没有导致任何 伤亡。 澳门是一座不屈不挠的城市。 本思齐 主编 M acau is best known as the gaming capital of the world, but dig down a little deeper and it is a city of resilience. How else could you explain the strength showed by its business leaders and citizens in dealing with a second devastating typhoon in as many years? Macau has only felt the full force of a Signal 10 typhoon – the strongest possible – twice in the past 19 years yet both of those have come in the space of 13 short months. In August 2017, Typhoon Hato saw 10 people lose their lives and a damage bill totalling almost MOP$12 billion. But rather than shrink away when it became apparent that another T10, Typhoon Mangkhut, was on its way this September, the community came together, braced itself for impact and emerged out the other side stronger than ever. Typhoon Mangkhut again caused widespread flooding to some of Macau’s low-lying regions and forced for the first time ever the closure of all 42 casinos for 29 hours, but most importantly there was not a single fatality city-wide. There is much more to the Macau people than meets the eye. Ben Blaschke Editor-in-Chief
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