Lifestyle Party

Walking on the moon

Written by The Stallion

This article first appeared in the Sep/Oct 2013 issue of World Gaming magazine.

Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, Vista Magnifica
Court, Loja U-X, NAPE, Macau
+853 2875 1329 or 2875 1326
18:00 to 04:00 (7 days)

The Stallion loves variety and he also loves some pumping live music to kick-start his night. With that in mind, what better place to head for a few early drinks than Macau’s Moonwalker Bar?

You don’t need the address of the Moonwalker Bar to find out exactly where it is – just tell the cab driver to head to MP3 and he’ll take you straight down to the entertainment precinct that makes up Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen between MGM and Dr Carlos d’Assumpcao Park. Or for the uninitiated, go to the main entrance of MGM and walk two blocks east.

I have very fond memories of my first apartment in Macau and most of that has to do with my close proximity to the row of bars on Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, of which the Moonwalker Bar is one. This whole area is a great place to bar hop and you will always find someone wanting a chat over a cold “bevvie” or three.

A smart party animal like me likes to have different options for different situations and this row of bars is where I go if:

  • I am looking for a place to drink on the Macau side between 18:00 and midnight.
  • I want to take advantage of some good happy hour options.
  • I want to steer clear of the casinos at a place I can gallop around with a big choice of bars and enjoy myself.
  • I am looking to watch some sport.

And if I want to hear some live music, there is no better spot in Macau than the Moonwalker Bar. Moonwalker is literally right next door to iconic Macau institution MP3, which is the most recognized entertainment spot in this area of Macau.

Michael Jackson made the “moon walk” famous, The Police sang about “walking on the moon” and the moon is usually shining bright when we head out to places like this, so the name of this bar makes at least some sense!

Over the years the live music here has ranged here from good to simply incredible. They usually have an array of talented musicians from the Philippines punching out great music from a wide range of genres but I recall a guitarist who played at Moonwalker for many months – he was one of the most exciting and talented musicians I have ever heard.

Live music aside, Moonwalker also boasts a huge range of beer on tap. This is a great drawcard for me and no matter what type of beer you prefer you will undoubtedly find one that caters to your palate. With plenty of live sport, you can expect healthy crowds of football fans to assemble for the big matches – especially on Saturday night during EPL season (although this is standard for many Asian bars).

The other great thing about the bars in this area is they attract a wide array of patrons. There are casino workers, ex-pats, locals, people from Hong Kong, mainlanders, travelers, gamblers and of course a wide range of girls!

Just watch the area come to life when Macau hosts its biggest events such as the Macau Grand Prix. The eclectic mix of people that come to visit for the weekend will often let their hair down here. And who knows? You might find yourself having a beer with the next Michael Schumacher! It is this exciting mix of people that makes Moonwalker special.

The Moonwalker Bar is a great place to start the night. You can always head off clubbing later but in a town where the nightlife really gets pumping in the wee hours of the morning, the Moonwalker Bar offers a great alternative for those looking for an early start.