Football Sport

Football's shame

Written by James Potter

Euro 2012 has been at the forefront of the world media for all the wrong reasons. Constant outbreaks of violence between fans have threatened to bring the tournament to its knees.

Authorities have boosted police numbers and resources, but it took hundreds of arrests and too much bloodshed before enough action was taken to prevent such unnecessary violence. It seems like gross incompetency that this matter was left to spiral out of control before adequate measures were taken. Did they really think football fans in Europe could behave themselves?

Football violence in the 21st century cannot be tolerated. When imbecile fans are out on the streets harming innocent people and damaging property, they threaten the integrity of the sport. Unfortunately, this is the case with Euro 2012, and the tournament will be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

Asian football has managed to evade such violence, and this could be attributed to high quality policing and law courts that enforce justice. If Europeans and South Americans were more concerned with protecting people’s rights, many of the problems regarding football violence would be solved.

I’m James Potter and I’m telling it how it is.

Good luck and good punting.