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Big Jim’s tip for 21 December: Earth to survive

Written by James Potter

According to the Mayans, Nostradamus and various doomsday clowns out there the world is ending sometime today. If this happens we are all in for one hell of a ride! I reckon the world will still be here tomorrow and I’m happy to take a very short price on this bet. It’s the ultimate wager – if the world is still here tomorrow morning I make some money, but if it all ends I won’t be too disappointed anyway. The only problem is I’m struggling to get on at the moment, but I will keep looking for a Mayan bookie to give me a price.

Sport: Doomsday prediction
Competition: Mayan Calendar
Event: Is it the end of planet earth?
Location: Earth, Milky Way, Universe
Date and time: Friday 21 December (all day in every time zone)

Big Jim’s bet:  Earth to survive.

See you back here at for tomorrow’s tip.