According to the Mayans, Nostradamus and various doomsday clowns out there the world is ending sometime today. If this happens we are all in for one hell of a ride! I reckon the world will still be here tomorrow and I’m happy to take a very short price on this bet. It’s the ultimate wager – if the world is still here tomorrow morning I make some money, but if it all ends I won’t be too disappointed anyway. The only problem is I’m struggling to get on at the moment, but I will keep looking for a Mayan bookie to give me a price.
Sport: Doomsday prediction
Competition: Mayan Calendar
Event: Is it the end of planet earth?
Location: Earth, Milky Way, Universe
Date and time: Friday 21 December (all day in every time zone)
Big Jim’s bet: Earth to survive.
See you back here at for tomorrow’s tip.