A group of Puerto Rican poker players might have taken the “dead man’s hand” a touch too far last week when they embalmed their dead friend and sat down with him for one final game.
Henry Rosario Martinez, 31, passed away on January 19 from a fatal mix of alcohol and prescription drugs. But that didn’t stop him from taking a seat at his weekly game, with his father asking the local funeral home to have Martinez embalmed and propped up at the poker table.
A pair of Aces was then placed in his hands and a series of rather macabre photos taken of the apparently “joyous” event.
From all reports, embalming and posing the bodies of the recently deceased has become somewhat of a trend in Puerto Rico recently including a former driver being placed in his taxi and a wrestler stood up in a wrestling ring.
It was no doubt considered a fitting farewell for the noted gambler, but we’ll happily stick to the traditional method of burial for the time being!