The White Storm is hailed as a hero movie returning to Hong Kong and held its premiere on 20 November at UA Galaxy Cinemas. It is directed by crime thriller film director Benny Chan and stars Sean Lau, Louis Koo, and Nick Cheung who all act as Hong Kong Narcotics Bureau’s police. The movie was filmed mostly in Thailand but the ending was filmed at Galaxy Macau’s China Rouge. I was watching this movie at UA Galaxy Cinemas and when I saw some familiar places it definitely gave me a greater sense of involvement.
The three protagonists’ acting alone should guarantee this movie grosses well. The White Storm is based on traditional action movies with the storyline bringing fighting and shooting, brotherhood and the toughest of human choices to the big screen. Aside from themes of friendship, family affection and love, it also demonstrates the positive message of justice and dedicated police without ever feeling preachy.
Finally, it is about three good friends protecting each other at work. This movie is particularly suitable for men, because it highlights the relationship between them as a “best friend” brotherhood. No matter what wrong you did or how much fighting there might be, it is all eventually forgotten as you become best friends again. A lifetime of good friends is like that.
White Storm screens in Hong Kong and Macau from 5 December 2013.
Rating: 8/10