Party Lifestyle

Oppa Gangnam style!

Written by Pai Yao

This article first appeared in the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of World Gaming magazine.

K-Pop and Korean dance wave turns into a tsunami as Gangnam Style goes viral!

Well … that was pretty amazing. Korean pop artist PSY landed himself slap bang in the middle of one of the most incredible music explosions to ever hit the planet. It just goes to show that in an ever-changing world, overnight sensations literally do happen overnight.

With over one billion views on YouTube, the “Gangnam Style” video clip is the most viewed YouTube video ever. Since last July, Gangnam Style has infected everyone with its insatiable beat and simple melody.

Confirmed high profile cases of Gangnam Style include the UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon, British Prime Minister David Cameron and the University of Oregon Duck. It’s not only the original version that captured everyone’s attention. All the copy-cat and parody videos brought their own feel to the song and, even more importantly, the dance. For some reason even the copy-cats and parodies added to the phenomenon that captured everyone’s attention.

In November Macau’s CLUB CUBIC at City of Dreams got its own little piece of Gangnam Style when PSY performed his smash hit live in the venue as part of his whirlwind tour of the globe.