In yesterday’s WGM Daily, we outlined our thoughts on the public release and media coverage of the 2016 Asia Risk Assessment report, which named Macau as a “soft target” for a terrorist attack and a highly desirable one “given the nexus of Chinese, American and Jewish interests” in her gaming sector.
Our view was that it is irresponsible to release such a report publicly and just as irresponsible to report on it. Today we move onto why it is irresponsible. Many terrorists in the modern era are home grown or lone mavericks doing things “in the name of [insert terrorist organization or relevant idol here].” But people who blow themselves and others up typically aren’t the most imaginative souls and have been known to choose some strange locations to carry out attacks in the past. By reporting findings such as the 2016 Asia Risk Assessment report media outlets are essentially naming terrorists’ targets for them.
It’s not too dissimilar to the issue of reporting on suicide. It is generally understood by journalists that certain rules are strictly adhered to such as not reporting on the specific method used and avoiding stereotypes. This is due to a fear that excessive reporting of suicide can in fact normalize it, making it seem a more acceptable option for those experiencing depression.
Now, we haven’t overlooked the irony in us publishing this article, but as we see it the subject has already been raised and the damage done. We wish to highlight to other media organizations that next time something like this comes up, perhaps we in the media shouldn’t be giving this sort of thing any air.